Rotation: 0.75 light cycles per 100k pulsars (0.75 rotations per 1.15 Earth days)
Makeup: Rock and dirt outer layer, core unknown
Moons: Destian
Atmosphere: Breathable
Colonized: Yes
Population: Not recorded
Major Cities: No cities classified as major. Largest settlements Fintia, Darnth, Vel, and Port-city
Government: Parliament
Trade Associations: Not recorded
Rayna was first terraformed as an ideal candidate for agriculture and ranching. Rayna has a few substantial mountain ranges, which provide environmental support for fertile valleys and plains in between. Farmers helped terraform Rayna, with crops developed to enrich the dirt into soil. Once both domestic and wild grasses covered the formerly barren plains, the planet became attractive for meat production, an industry that needs lots of space and lots of fertile soil. Large, strong, draft animals were the first ranching endeavor - they were cheaper to pull heavy farming equipment than trying to build or buy tractors. Over time, other planets terraformed to the point that the bovid could survive - and exporting these massive creatures became more lucrative than farming. Off-breeds were developed, designed for meat consumption, including the introduction of suids. Though other planets were able to breed and maintain their own draft animals, decreasing the export demand of Rayna bovids, other planets did not have the large grazeable plains of Rayna. This kept demand for red meat high. Farms turned into ranches, farmers markets turned into stockyards. The pollution on Rayna began to increase.
Cities began to form where the meat could be brought to be prepared, packaged, and then shipped off-world to other planets. Ranching and the raising of animals, while being profitable, requires a lot of upfront costs and investment. Some farmers realized that it was more profitable to lend their money out to other farmers to collect interest than it was to run their own farms. The majority of established wealth on Rayna moved into money lending, and banks began to establish themselves. At the same time, all the massive meat farming and ranching caused huge amounts of pollution on the planet, leaving foul-smelling smog hovering about the cities and farmland. As Rayna became less and less desirable for living, those who had the means to moved to the moon of Destian. The moon quickly became where all of the wealthy from Rayna went, mainly bankers and exporters, leaving only the farmers themselves on the original planet. Over time, the farming and ranching business has become less and less profitable. Between more sellers, smaller plots of land for ranching, and extreme pollution, the price of meat has gone down. The days when fortune could be made in the meat industry, at least on Rayna, are likely gone. Most harvests bring in only the bare minimum to cover basic essentials, and sometimes, not even that. Those who are left on Rayna work smaller plots than those before them, with higher costs of machinery and technology. Most of them, including the government itself, have massive amounts of debt to the lenders and bankers of Destian. Much of this debt has been passed down from generation to generation, with farmers having to take out fresh loans to cover old loans and spirling down under piles of debt. Many farmers remain optimistic that they too will someday become rich and move to Destian, as there is still one breed of bovid that is extremely lucrative on the Sovereignty market. An adaptive breed of bovid that seems impervious to the pollution, and has tender, lean meat. This breed, called "Stronze meat", is highly valued on the open market. One Stronze Bovid fetches a price that matches what some ranchers earn in 25 million pulsars, and in some cases can even pay for an entire village's wages for several million pulsars.